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The Université Amadou Mahtar MBOW (UAM) has effectively started teaching and learning as of the 2019-2020 academic year, with the opening of five (05) graduate schools (École supérieure des Sciences et Techniques de l'Ingénieur - ESTI, École Supérieure des Mines, de la Géologie et de l'Environnement - ESMGE, École Supérieure des Sciences Agricoles et de l'Alimentation - ES2A, École Supérieure d'Urbanisme, d'Architecture et d'Aménagement du Territoire - ESU2A and the Haute École d'Économie et de Gestion - HEEG). Despite the difficulties caused by the Covid 19 pandemic, the UAM was able to award its first Bachelor's degree after three years of operation.
At the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, the UAM will begin its expansion. The institution's five (5) former start-up schools will be grouped together within POLYTECH Diamniadio, which will become a new training structure of excellence. Three new Training and Research Units (UFR TECNA, STA and SEG) have also been opened, in line with the university's development plan.
The UAM is a business-oriented university. It was founded in response to the capacity challenges faced by public universities, and offers excellent training in science and technology, as well as in the social sciences. This professional orientation is in line with Senegal's socio-economic development priorities, by adapting its programs to the needs of the job market.
On December 1, 2022, the President of the Republic inaugurated the university's new premises in Diamniadio. Placed at the heart of the economic and industrial platform of the new town of Diamniadio, the UAM is consequently called upon to play a leading role in training and research, with a view to providing this local ecosystem and, beyond that, the national and regional job market, with quality human resources whose training is geared towards innovative professions in the fields of science and technology, economics and social sciences, among others. Thus, the UAM's mission is to train executives from Senegal and other countries. As such, it is responsible for:
- initial training and continuing training, as well as the preparation of young students for entry into working life;
- to contribute to scientific research at the national and international level, for the economic and social development of the country;
- to promote scientific and technological research for mastery of sciences, techniques and know-how;
- to promote service to the community;
- to develop African cultural values;
- to promote international cooperation with foreign universities.
The UAM is very involved in the careers of Senegalese teacher-researchers. In recruitment, the number of teacher-researchers increased from 05 in 2020 to 10 in 2024, this figure still remains low but shows the institution's desire to integrate women researchers into its teaching system.
Responsible positions are also entrusted to teacher-researchers women and there are several management positions entrusted to them (Director of Studies, Director of UFR, Director of the internal quality assurance unit, Director of the training center for academic and citizen values and the practice of languages) in addition to the position of Head of Department. The examples of positions of responsibility entrusted to women at the administrative management level of the University are equally numerous (Director of Marketing and Communication, Director of Human Resources, among others).
Teacher-researchers are also supported in their careers, particularly with the African and Malagasy Council for Higher Education (CAMES) for their promotion, sessions to prepare their application files are organized to allow them to have on their side every chance of successfully completing their passage and being promoted to higher grades.
Training is also organized for them to upgrade their skills in order to meet the requirements of the current teaching system, for example the use of technological means in teaching (teaching software, or others). They also benefit from reinforcement in university teaching.
They are encouraged to take study trips, and to participate in seminars, workshops and other activities useful to their professional careers.